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Enable Windows 7 to accept Remote Desktop Connection

Windows 7

1. Go to Start -> Control Panel -> System -> Advanced System Settings OR win key + E -> right click Properties -> Advanced System Settings(left upper corner) and open it(Advanced System Setting)
2. Click on Remote tab
3. Check mark on Allow Remote Assistance connections to this computer
4. Click on Advanced…
5. Check mark on Allow this computer to be controlled remotely and hit OK
6. If you are behind a router:

– Configure your router’s port forwarding to allow connections on port 3389

7. Now in in order to connect to the Windows 7 PC you just configured just type the IP address supplied by your ISP. If not sure what is your IP address then go to google and type whats my ip:)
8. If you have more than one PC on your router and you would like to be able to connect to more than one of them then:

– For each PC you want to remotely connect to you have to configure each computer to listen to different ports to avoid port conflicts by changing the registry key in

– Port Numbers are in Decimal format. Use ports between 49152 and 65535.

– Configure your router to port forward to that number that you chose for each PC

– To connect to that computer your format will now be ISPIPAddress:PortNumber (ex. to connect to that specific computer behind the router

8. Happy Remote Desktoping

If you are on domain this tutorial will NOT work and also if you have a firewall software or any kind of port blocking software make sure to allow the ports you forwarded in your router for each PC or in other words use common sense.