In order to add multiple lines in a single cell in MS Excel all you need to do is just use the keyboard shortcut ALT……
Disable Email Notifications: 1. Go to Tools -> Options 2. Under Preferences Tab click on E-mail Options… under E-mail area 3. In E-mail Options click……
Lets say you have a dataset that is returning a bunch of rows but you have a top N or some kind of a filter……
FormatDateTime command Command Result FormatDateTime(Parameters!Date.Value,1) Tuesday, February 10, 2011 FormatDateTime(Parameters!Date.Value,2) 2/10/2007 FormatDateTime(Parameters!Date.Value,3) 12:00:00 AM FormatDateTime(Parameters!Date.Value,4) 00:00 Format command Command Result Format(Parameters!Date.Value,”dd-MM-yyyy”) 10-02-2011 Format(Parameters!Date.Value,”dd/MM/yyyy”) 10/02/2011 Format(Parameters!Date.Value,”MMM-dd-yyyy”) Feb-10-2011 Format(Parameters!Date.Value,”MMM-dd-yy”) Feb-10-11 Format(Parameters!Date.Value,”MMMM-dd-yy”) February-10-11 Format(Parameters!Date.Value,”MMMM dd yyyy”) February 10 2011 Also this expression: =Day(Parameters!AsOfDate.Value) & “/” & Month(Parameters!AsOfDate.Value) & “/” & Year(Parameters!AsOfDate.Value)……
As you all know when you have an expression and you try to format the numbers inside the box by right clicking on the box/field……
If you have a single select parameter but you would like to have the “Select All” option added to it here is how you can……
The problem of trying to use DISTINCT when you have a ntext field is that it will not let you do it. So here is……
The problem with case statements is that usually each one takes up a row for itself and then assigns a NULL value for the next……
If you want to display the closes date of a lets say a Task to todays date here is what you will need to do:……
For Windows XP/Vista/7 Note: Putting the wrong values in Windows registry might crash your system and lead to lots of problems. It is always recommended……